Here is a picture of our office when the kids and husband are all taken care of and I can safely leave the house without it imploding:

Here is a picture of our daytime JBF office.

No. We do not have corporate sponsorship from either of these establishments yet...but, we should. They are perfect for Mommas with business to take care of in the middle of the afternoon or night.
We got a lot accomplished and if any consignors are reading this ~ the checks are in the mail!
Very tired...zzzz...gotta...go...get...some...zzz...shut...eye...!!!
Love Note to my Big Shooter: I am so sorry I totally neglect you and the Snatchers during JBF season! I really, really appreciate you and all you put up with. I really do...
Mmmm. IHOP. Now I'm hungry for pancakes.
Now I know where to find you ;-)))
I like your choice of office space. Sound like a Prime Location!!!
xo ~K
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