May 28, 2008

Who'd a thunk it?

Our precious friend, Eula Mae.

She's 85.

She spent all Sunday afternoon watching her favorite sport.

Indy Car Racing.

She's never had a driver's license.

Love Note to my Big Shooter: I'll still have red, hot racing blood when I think of you at 85 Big Guy.


Queen B said...

Love. Her.

ShEiLa said...

Too cool that she loves Indy Car Racing. Never a drivers license huh? Was it that she just didn't need/want one? I am curious to know. She looks like a sweetheart.
Your lovenote was sweet too.
toodles, Sheila

faroutmom said...

Go Eula Mae!!! Thanks for posting a picture of her. Hearing about her for all these years and I wondered what she looked like.

Anonymous said...

You will have to tell Eula Mae your soul sister is going to Indainapolis next week and "we have to go by and see the speedway..."

Erin Ward said...

oh that's great!! she looks so sweet.

Flea said...

Way too cool. :)

Anonymous said...

Bwaahahahha! Awesome. xoxwedding dress. buy louboutin shoes. Flower Girls