Personal note to my father: Do NOT under ANY circumstances allow your wife to see this here video. We've made a few baby steps in the "We're not TRUE rednecks" department. This? Well, this would guarantee we'd forever and ever amen be banished to the bottom of the pond scum section of Redneckism...
It's like a car wreck. It's baaaaad. Reeeaal bad. And I keep watchin' it. I've always admitted to being an ambulance chaser though. It's a down fall of mine.
This is downtown Plainsville before the Veteran's Day parade. I know it's before because I am smiling. After the parade I had mascara stained cheeks from tears. As the vets went by us and read this sign (which I just spontaneously made by scrounging around in the trunk of my car before we went to stake out our spots) they would squint to read it and then smile broadly and give me the thumbs up or (gulp) salute me... The thought of these precious, brave, mostly older men mouthing the words "Thank you" for acknowledging them or saluting me was almost too much for me. Several times I put the sign down because it became too overwhelming. What humble and gentlemenly gentlemen they were. I try to teach patriotism to the Crumb Snatchers every chance I get. I want them to know what a privilege it is to live in the greatest nation in the world. And the only reason, as far as I am concerned, that it is the greatest nation is because of the men and women who have gone before us to protect it, fight for it, and prove it to be what it is.
Fact # 2 - I'm an only child. My parents have been divorced since I was two so I do not know what it was like to grow-up with two parents. Actually, it felt like two different lives. Hence, two different pictures to show two of the most influential relationships on my life.
Fact #3 - Someone has actually touched my brain.
The reason for this is I have a condition called Hemifacial Spasm. It is a non-curable, progressable (is that even a word?) condition that effects a person from the top of the scalp to the shoulder on one side of the body. The symptoms begin with mild eye twitching and finally proceed to "facial freezing spasms" and uncontrollable muscle contortions from scalp to shoulder. It usually shows up in people in their 5th decade or later. I was early 30's when I began having symptoms. Since there is no cure, the symptoms are treated with drugs, botox and surgery. When the symptoms had finally reached the point I could no longer read, drive safely with two itty bitty crumb snatchers or sleep for longer than a few minutes at a time I chose to have surgery. In the world of brain surgery it was suppose to be minor. It wasn't. But that is another post another time.
Be still my heart.
Who doesn't need the GIANT 3 pound bag?
(That measurement would be me getting prepared for a smart comment about 10 inches of pure milk chocolate...but, the Crumb Snatchers will probably read this post one day and I don't want to put images in their brains...)
Yes, he really did. And, he did it
Translation: He's a much bigger smart****!
For those who have not seen this movie...it is a very graphic depiction of Christ's sacrifice. Thank you Mel Gibson for being one of those unabashed lovers of Christ.
Oh pray tell!! What vanity I can no longer deny I have! I am in the midst of re-vamping this blog's looks and cannot for the life of me decide on a picture of myself. So here are the questions I put forth. I have only a few current pics to choose from.
I know they look the same...but not exactly the same.
So what shall it be? One of these... or grin and bear it and have Big Shooter take more?
Oh, and just for fun...
Should I choose this one I call "Gene Pool"...
...this one called "Caught Digging for Carrots"...