I titled this post so blase' because when we, er...Big Shooter, was looking for party ideas out there in Google Land we could not seem to find what we were looking for.
Of course with this title I'll get the pervs who think they are coming to a porn site for partying fat chicks too... But hey, I'm an equal opportunity helper of others.
I think this post may be a big fat let down for some who have been dying to hear how it went with pictures as the evidence. But I didn't even take my camera out of it's case.
I am feeling the pain today about that little indiscretion too.
What was I thinking?!? Obviously, I wasn't. The only time I remembered it was when we were playing The Plunger game, but when I said the word camera...I was threatened with bodily harm. The scary part for me was - they were dead dog serious about ripping me from limb to limb if I even thought about it. So I didn't and now, of course, wish I would have lived life on the edge and snapped a few...
Here's the only one I took the whole weekend.

I'll take you through the games and guests and everything in the picture should be covered in one way or another...
It began with a name tag with 3 different lines. On the first was their christened name. On the second they wrote where they knew me from. (A couple used this to their full advantage since so few knew each other. One put rehab and another put AA.) The third line asked for a name of a childhood pet and either their momma's maiden name or a street from their childhood. (Ex: mine was PoPo Brown. Sashi's was Snowball 169.) These, as was later revealed, were their Adult Entertainer names... We had a tie. There was a dance-off and the author of yesterday's post the virtuous, the responsible
Podcastin' Cyndi won the prize.
Then came a few games:
Guess Who consisted of me sticking a famous person's name on each woman's back. (Oprah, Cinderella, Mother Teresa, Jezebel, etc.) They could only ask yes/no questions to figure out who they were. The only snafu here was I totally thought Jezebel was like a hootchie, hot momma kinda girl and assigned her name to my friend who
very much is a hot momma...only to find out Jezebel is no such girl. Hmmm, maybe I should read that bible, not just use it as a bookend. The game was fun none the less. Those girls were
serious about finding out who they were. It turned out to be a fabulous ice breaker.
There was a Momma Purse Scavenger Hunt. The most bizarre item found in a momma's purse was a very nice Cuban cigar in a nice little metal case...hmmm. I am not sure if it's origin, intended purpose or even if it's
alternative purposes was fully explained by the end of the evening either.
There was a wine glass passed around full of questions to be answered by both a guest and the birthday girl. That was interesting. That was enlightening. And that was embarrassing...er um, bonding. We learned nicknames of family members and, ahem, body parts. We laughed hysterically at some's stories and answers. We empathized for one who answered the last time she cried had been the day before when it was confirmed indeed she was not pregnant as she so wants to be. We cringed, we snorted, we guffawed and we grinned. It was fabulous girl bonding at it's finest.
Podcastin' Cyndi pointed out there was a wide range of individuals there. Just the way I love it. There was indeed a pastor's wife, a biker chick, a urban socialite, a factory worker, a Kansas farm girl and a classical educator. But there was also a Martha Stewart type, an incredible artist, a liberal or two, a former news anchor, a doctor's wife, a gym coach, a child counselor and a former nurse. All walks of life. All my dearest friends. I missed so many others this weekend that all I keep thinkin' is..."We'll have to do this again. And soon."
Even though Sledge's pleather pants, spiked jewelry and rock star wig are in the picture he, very sadly, didn't make it to the party. He did, however, make it to the lake later in the weekend. And that's all I'm saying about that.
I liked this last photo because Girl Child's comment when she saw it was, "...it's like you're looking past your birthday Momma...into your future."
Oh the words of wisdom that escape a babe's precious lips...

I am indeed looking forward to my future.
Thank you friends.
Love Note to my Big Shooter: And thank you Big Guy. What fabulous, bonding memories I will cherish for a lifetime. I am so truly blessed with deep, rich friendships.
Love Note to Sledge: RRRrrrr....