November 28, 2008

I'm sad.

P.S. (Pre-Script) No, this is not the heartfelt post I mentioned...I think I'll publish it on Monday.
Each December, Big Shooter and I get to celebrate one more glorious year of marital bliss.
Last year's celebration was accompanied by a very dark cloud hanging menacingly over our heads. We knew something was very wrong with BS and the uncertainty was stifling. So I wanted to do something nice for just him.
In the months preceding our anniversary, he had voiced some concern about his wedding band becoming a little thin and had begun to take it off when he was doing any thing manual.
So I bought him a new, very durable, heavy-duty ring made of tungsten. (Anyone else think that sounded more like an ad for a farm tractor than a ring description?) He luv, luv, LUVED it. He called twice and sent a sweet text the next day to tell me so.
I was walking into the bathroom while reading his text when I glanced at the shelf and caught sight of his old band. It looked so lonely just laying there. I could almost hear it wondering aloud, "What's going on? Why am I not in my worn, comfy, safe spot today? Umm, who's the new big, shiny dude? You're not...replacing me...are you? You can't just throw me to the way side after 5, 680 faithful days...". So I picked it up and slid it on my fat, middle, right hand finger.
It's been there everyday since. 345 days. Until today...
I lost it.
And then, when I thought about the loss... I lost it.
Like the bad kind of lost it. Crying in front of the Crumbs. Mascara rivers, snot. The whole shabang.
I can't help it.
I slipped that ring on Big Shooter's hand almost 17 years ago. He wore it everyday for 16 of those. It has been through thick and thin, marriage counseling, miscarriages, belly laughing, mid-night runs to get ice cream, deaths, births, and lots of hand holding.
This past year has been tough. Very tough. Each and every time my eyes would fill with tears and I'd raise my hand to wipe them, I'd catch site of that precious gold symbol. It has filled me with silent strength each time. With out fail.
I could almost hear it saying, "C'mon Girl, love is like me...never ending. Be faithful to him, for him. Stand in the gap. Lift him up. Be strong." It worked every time. Every time.
And now it's gone.
And I am heartbroken over it's loss.

Love Note to my Big Shooter: I know you believe we will find it. Some how. In Idaho, no less. But, I am sad tonight. Just sad. I feel like I've been in the ring with the enemy and he has just opened a can of Whoop A$$ I was not prepared for. I'll need a day or two to re-gather before I can put the gloves back on, Love.

November 25, 2008

We're heeeere

Oh the joy, the excitement, the memories...
We are in the midst of a wi-fi crisis at the rental house.
Which is fine with Girl Child because she came with me to Starbucks to check email and leave this little ditty to assure some certain friends we have not indeed flown the coop never to return!

In the interim of wi-fi fixage, I'd like to hear what you are most thankful for in 2008.

As for the Shooter household we are thankful for:
  • Big Shooter being here. As in here on this earth.
  • Bravery, tenacity, strong spirits.
  • Precious Crumbs.
  • Friends.
  • Family.
  • Rockin' partner.
  • Laughter.
Not particularly in that order. Except the first. The first, is what my life is all about.
What is your life all about in 2008?
Love, Straight Shooter

November 23, 2008

We're getting closer...

We are almost to Idaho.
We have spent a few days in Colorado and Wyoming with family.
Today we arrive in our home town of Twin Falls, Idaho.
I am hoping if you click on the picture you will be able enlarge it to see the wolves up close.
My Sweet Father-in-Law (FIL) sent it to us to remind us of Idaho.
Of course, the Crumb Snatchers are on the Look Out and think every far off boulder or large clump of sage brush is a pack of wolves!
Just a fun FYI, if you can barely see the pole with the reddish stick at the top...those are snow markers my friends.
Aye, Big Shooter and I originally come from a very cold and snowy mountainous region.
Now? I am not so sure we are going to make it back to Plainsville, OK in one piece. Our blood has become thick and sweet like all Southerners twangy accents in the last 20 years.
We are F-R-E-E-Z-I-N-G ...and we're not even there yet!

Love Note to Y'all: I know I mentioned a post that was an emotional heartfelt one that I was working on. I also mentioned it may be up on Sat... it wasn't, I still am. And I hope it will be up tonight in time for you take part with your families on Thankgiving.

November 21, 2008

Easy Peezy Post

I am working on a post that is an emotion toll taker for me, so I needed a fluff post for today y'all. I think it will be ready for tomorrow.
In the mean time, I realized my dear, sweet, very missed friend Far Out Mom was right. I don't publish pics of myself very often. And I know how I do love it when other blog authors do. So for your entertainment (and my peace of mind) - more pictures from our Poe Dunk day excursion. (with a couple extra of me)

Do all boys do this? Or is mine showing unnatural early signs of something ominous??

In contrast, see how Girl Child is holding the buffalo's muzzle like it is living...?

Just my sweet, sweeet Boy again. (Sigh)...and my dirt lovin', leaves in her hair, bug huntin' Girl again. (sigh) (again)

Gratuitous pics.
Yes. There is that much difference.
He is 6'4.
I am 5'1, on a good day.

The end.
Love Note to my Big Shooter: I always forget,until I see a picture, how much we really do look like Mutt & Jeff. Heh.

November 20, 2008

My real surreal day in Poe Dunk

So apparently I wasn't too clear yesterday.
Let me clarify.
  • Big Shooter really does sleep walk.
  • However, he was not sleep walking when he invited us to Poe Dunk at 4:00am.
  • There really was a car in a lobby of one of the stores his company owns.
  • I had pictures of it because I was really there at like 8:00am.

Hope that helped someone.

It really just sounds even more surreal to me.

Speaking of which...

What do you do in Poe Dunk with two youngin's while waiting for Big Shooter to wrestle up a carpenter, supplies, and deal with policemen trying to solve the mystery. (To add to the confusion of yesterday's post: The car was found still running & unoccupied.) Can you imagine the allure and excitement all four officers were experiencing? They were positively giddy!

Anyways...the question was: What to do with two Crumbs who have had little sleep, a looong car ride, no breakfast and the excitement of destruction at 8:00am Saturday morning in Poe Dunk, Oklahoma?

Why you luck out and are able to attend the region's largest annual Folk Fest this side of the Mississippi that just happens to be opening up at 9:00am a few miles up the beautiful winding road!

I'd never been to a Folk Fest before. It's not that I don't like Folks. I love 'em. It's just not something I ever thought to say to Big Shooter before. "Love, I hear there's a giant Folk Fest going on somewhere in the South every weekend and by golly it sounds like some rip roarin' fun! Let's go."

My expectations were not raised however when the parking attendant said, "The pick-up spot for the shuttle is right over there..."
And this was the shuttle to take us up the hill.

It didn't get any better when I read the name of the next entertainers either.
(It says Skirtlifters if you can't read it.)
And I wasn't quite sure about the mental stability of the majority of people in attendance. Most of them were retirees and lots of them were pushing strollers for this reason.

But then we saw art pieces like this.
It was magnificent.
Carved by hand. The details were stunning. I should have stood a Crumb Snatcher next to it for comparison. It was over 5 feet tall and 3 feet wide.

Then there were people like this guy. He was making a broom. Others were spinning yarn, working a loom, sewing with a pedal powered sewing machine, making lye soap, giving hatchet throwing lessons (much to Boy Child's delight), giving fiddle lessons...on and on it went.
This tree sprang up out of the earth in 1646 and lived through WWII y'all. Just reading the facts and events it had lived through was worth the trip. Seeing the dawning on the Crumb Snatchers' faces as they began to realize the longevity and significance trees have on our society was worth the trip. I need to have them guest post on all the products we consume that have to do with wood. Unbelievable.Then there were the crafts. Oh, the fabulously talented craftsmen.
But did I get a picture of the incredible basket maker, the blown glass guy, or the intricate wood carver?
No. But, apparently in my sleep deprived state I felt this sign was of some significance because I took no less than 5 shots of it trying to get the saying and the light just right I guess.
I can't even read the whole thing it's so blurry.
But, maybe it will speak to someone out there in Bloggyland.

(I am positive what ever it says, it is gag-a-rama, and I don't really do gag-a-rama. Ask Saucy Sashi.)

They even had a petting zoo with Folksy animals to occupy two sleep deprived and kinda cranky Crumbs.

Right next to the petting zoo and the hatchet throwing was this Cherokee guy. He played his hand carved flute and spoke for at least 10 minutes to just Girl Child. She asked a bajillion ??'s and was enamoured by him.
(I have a video of him playing for her if I could just figure out how to post it!)
She wanted me to take a picture of her outside this period cabin. The pic did not turn out what we had hoped. The dirt used as mortar between the logs was truly Oklahoma red dirt. Not so much in the pic though.
(If you love my new fall purse in the background, leave a nice comment. If you agree with Saucy Sashi that it looks like her Granny's curtains or sofa or something she'd love, don't leave a comment.)
It was abundantly apparent to me Boy Child's attention span was OVER by this point.
It was his idea to take our pic, but he would not smile...
forgive what we look like.
We got up and ready (well, actually I never got undressed from the day before) and out of the house by 4:20 am.
(If you are wondering, that was a leaf that fell just as I pushed the shutter, not a weird growth on my neck...)
Love Note to my Big Shooter: I tell you what - you sure know how to show your fam a great time. We always love going with you on your little jaunts. If anything, they are always memorable.

November 18, 2008

Have I ever mentioned Big Shooter sleep walks?

Yeah. He does. It is fuh-reek-HEE! He will have his eyes open and carry on a full blown conversation with ya...until you finally catch on he's juuuust not quite firing on all cylinders.
That's what happened a couple Friday nights ago.
He comes out at 4am (I couldn't I was up reading blogs. Hmmm, there's a stretch.) and says, "So, can you think of any reason you'd like to go to Poe Dunk, Oklahoma?"
I, thinking he is sleepwalking, encourage him with, "Ab-suh-lutely! I've been dying to get there. What's the occasion?"
He says very matter of factly, "There's a car in the lobby," turns and heads toward the bathroom.
I chuckle to myself and wonder how long it'll be before he wakes up and staggers back into the living room asking me what I'm doing up so I can ask him what he's doing up...
I wait.
And wait.
I hear water in the sink.
I hear the hair dryer.
I hear more water...
I wander in, put my hand on his arm and say, "Sweetie...Darlin'. You need to wake up."
He turns and looks me straight in the face and says, "I'm awake." Long pause, then, "The question is: Are you?"
Stunned I finally ask what he is doing.
To which he says s-l-o-w-l-y, "I'm. getting. ready. to. go. to. Poe. Dunk. I thought you and the Crumbs were coming. It sounded like you wanted to..."
"You were serious?!" I screech.
With the big-eyed DUH look he says, "Umm, yeeeah." S-l-o-w-l-y again, "Therrre's a car in. the. lobbb-by."

After several hours of clean-up and fast carpentary work to get the gaping hole covered.

I guess the driver was thinkin' Arby's.

Love Note to my Big Shooter: I know you don't always get a kick out of some of the things/situations you deal with on a day to day basis...but, they are gold for a stay-at-home-momma/blogger. Thank you for the fodder Love.

Girl Child

From the laundry room: Mahhhmmy...this time I really think you did it...

Me: Really? What did I do now?

Stepping out so Boy Child and I could see her: ...shrunk the pants to my gee.


"What?! These aren't mine???"

" I was so sure..."
Shoo. Catastrophe avoided.

Love Note to my Big Shooter: Thank you for her, the most special and beloved surprise you have ever given me.

November 17, 2008

It was a very long night...

in the emergency room with our precious Eula Mae. I had a great post in mind but seriously cannot think too clearly this mornin'. So I am cheatin' a little and going to do a fun Meme I read over on my friend Flea's blog a few days ago.

A) Four places I go over and over:
  • over the brink and then to my secret, quiet place
  • the Dollar Tree (my fave, next to Target)
  • the library to pay my weekly fine
  • QT - it's the best gas station/convenience store on the the Planet. I am not kiddin'. It is. If you're from Oklahoma or surrounding states, you'll agree.
(B) Four people who e-mail me regularly:
  • my other spouse, Saucy Sashi
  • my dad (we're plannin' a family rendezvous)
  • my Lover-Boy (a.k.a. Big Shooter)
  • and FIL (my sweet, sweet Father-In-Law whom I get to see next week!!)

(C) Four of my favorite places to eat:
  • My Granny Grunt's kitchen. She is the best cook on the Planet. You know, the kind that can look in the pantry, glance in the fridge at the meager choices and then whip up a scrumptious feast? She's that kind of granny. I get to see her next week too.
  • Taqueria Jerez' - my absolute fave little dive. Mr. Juarez is living the American Dream. He is such a fabulous example of what can happen with a little dream, a whole lot of work and tons of determination. He moved here (legally, I may add), worked his tail off to be able to bring his wife and three kids here as well(legally, I may add). He has extremely high standards and expectations of his family because of it. They are all well aware of his sacrifices and honor their father and husband with their hard work as well. His children are going to be famous one day. I've already latched on to their coat tails.
  • Greek Isle - In Chicago. It's been a realllly long time. But, I so fondly remember the taramasalata, and octopus. My mouth is watering just thinking about it.
  • My kitchen. (Shush Dad.) I love to eat at my own table with my own little fam. I love that special time...and they really believe I am a great cook.
(D) Four places you'd rather be:
  • In Margarita Ville
  • The mountains of Idaho
  • In bed with a good book...and Big Shooter
  • Staying at a very posh, swanky hotel with out-of-this-world room service
(E) Four TV shows I could watch over and over:
  • 24 (Big Shooter and I are literally counting down the weeks to be reunited with Jack. Sigh.)
  • Dexter (Oh. My. Word. Fuh-reeky. Addicting. Sicko. Love it.)
  • Any Law & Order or CSI
  • Really that's about it. I don't watch a lot of tv. Too busy readin' blogs and thinkin' up posts.
(F) Four people I think will respond:
I know you precious people will be emailing or commenting wondering about sweet Eula Mae so I can tell you this much already - She has a hair line fracture in her foot and riding in my "purty red car" makes drivin' home at 4am in the freezin' Oklahoma breeze "a-okay Missy". I knew we'd aptly named that car when we purchased it -The Grandma Car! (It's an old red caddy.)
We will be leavin' this Saturday for a couple weeks. If you think of her, please say a prayer for our sweet girl. She'll have other very loving neighbors, her regular care giver and home health care nurses checkin' in on her...but, she'll be missing her girlfriend - Girl Child. And Girl Child will be worryin' about her the whole time...
Love Note to my Big Shooter: My thoughts are filled with you every time I am with Eula Mae. I think of how well you take care of me. I think about growing old with you. I think about two gnarled hands clasped together long into the future. Sigh... But before you get all googley-eyed and tender hearted I also think of oatmeal and Depends...

November 16, 2008

Crumb Snatcher Speak

While writing the book she is giving to her GrammE later this month.

Girl Child: Hey Mommy, do you spell favorite, f-a-v-o-r-r-i-t-e?
Me: Almost. It only has one r.
Girl Child, after a long pause: Would it still be wrong if I was just too tired to change it?


Girl Child: I just thought of something. Since Thanksgiving is just around the corner, my birthday is only 4 blocks away...


Boy Child, while watching Big Shooter prepare a dessert: So why do you peel the wrapper off the pear before you bake it?

November 14, 2008

Puh-leeze tell me ya remember!

The human brain is a remarkable living computer!
I love, love, LOVE to watch my kiddos' brains work.
Now Big Shooter would lovingly disagree about the fact the Boy Child's brain works on all cylinders - all the time. I do not chastise him when ever he says such things because I have the distinct feeling he is speaking from experience...not judgement.
Back to my little story.
I do not remember now what brought this little ditty to mind, but in the middle of a lesson I started singing, "Allllmond Joy has nuts...Peter Paul Mounds don't. Beeeeecause...sometimes you feel like a nut. And sometimes ya don't!" I glanced up to big eyed silent stares. And if you know anything about the Crumbs - they are not quiet.
After several seconds, I shrugged and asked, "Whuh? What's the problem?"
To which I was promptly answered with more shocked staring.
"Haven't you ever heard that song," I asked wondering when the last time I heard it was.
They both just slowly shook their little blond bobs at me.
"C'mon! You have to have heard it! I grew up hearing it!" Could I get any more lame in my attempts to convince myself I am not old?!! Good Grief!
All at once they both broke into giggles and asked where I'd heard it.
"Are you serious?! I grew up with that song playing on the TV. Every momma my age knows that song."
So they called Sashi.
After much warming up and encouraging she sang it to the absolute delight of the Crumb Snatchers.
Then they called Soul Sis.
She belted it out on their first request, no questions asked.
Then they experimented and called Daddy to see if the Dads my age might know it too.
He did. Again, no questions asked. They practically fell on the floor in a heap of giggly jello.

Side Note: It made me wonder just now typing those last few sentences.
Why is Sashi the only one of these three people who love my kiddos, concerned about what is going on in my house and wondering why my kids are calling out of the blue to ask to hear the nut song? Hmmm.

What a fun trip down Memory Lane for the Crumbs to travel with me...and Daddy and others. They asked to hear every song I could remember when I was a child around their ages.
I sang the "My bologna has a first's M-a-y-e-r. My bologna has a second's..."song. I hummed the Peanuts theme. I sang, "Conjunction ... function.. that's your... nuh-amme. Conjunction ... function ...what's your... guh-amme?" song too. I tried to make the Six Million Dollar Man sound no avail. I hummed the Dallas theme too.
I couldn't remember very many of them though.
I was hoping you could so we could sing, hum, pretend, whatever for them?
They loved this little game!!!
Leave me a comment and then have a FABULOUS weekend y'all!!

Love Note to my Big Shooter: Heeeey Big Shooter, whaaaat cha got cookin'? Hooooow's about coooookin' somethin' uuuup for meeeee???

November 13, 2008

Apparently I forgot to tell you I'd be gone.

I almost wish I had some exciting, dramatic or tragic news to share so I wouldn't feel so weird answering all the thoughtful, sweet inquiries about my lack of posting/well-being.
But nay, it's nothing even remotely in any of those categories. I was at a national conference with my other spouse - Saucy Sashi.
We were asked to speak on our grass roots efforts concerning marketing, which translates to "We are cheap."
We were also up against some major stiff competition for franchise of the year.
As it turned out, our speech went fabulous and was oh so timely with everyone's need to cut back spending aaand we didn't win Franchise of the Year.
We did however, win Best Marketing. That was cool. (I'd post a gratuitous pix of the pretty little crystal award if I had my camera. Tomorrow then...)
But the whole weird thing about it was it was held here, in Plainsville.
Sashi and I pawned our spawn off and stayed at the Doubletree with 70+ other JBF owners (from around the country). We are cheap y'all. Paying for a hotel room in our own city was way more than Weird. It was also Entertaining. Educational. Inspiring. And worth every penny.
'Remember this Hunk O'Munk?

He paid me a semi-surprise visit on one of the evenings we were out and about.
Oh yeah, he did. While we were eating delicious, chocolate dessert at the Melting Pot, delicious hot Black Leather Pants came a visitin'. Just to plant one on me Baby! (said in most gravely, sexy voice you can muster)
Rrrrrr. It was a delicious, hot, melting dessert all right...
After he stood me back up and dislodged his tongue, a good time was had by all. There were many there who know him personally, so when the shock factor wore off and they realized it was Mr. Conservative himself under the make up, hair and pleather...welll, let's just say they wanted to stroke his tatoos, rub the leather and have their picture made with him. He secretly ATE IT UP! (I am hoping to provide gratuitous pix of that outing too.)
Before you ask it or say it -Yeah, he really did. I think turning 40 and conquering kidney cancer does something to you. If he wanted to dress up like Pee Wee Herman and run down the street with sparklers I'd be right there cheering him on. Cause honestly, I am just thrilled he is still here with me.
So a Rock Star it is.
And between you and me Girlies, I know you all have your secret little fantasies. Whether he be
Mr. Police Officer.
Mr. Mailman.
Mr. Caveman.
Mr. Stripper.
Fabio or a Rock Star.
Mine just happens to have been Bad Boy Rocker. And now he lives with me.
And what a fantasy he has turned out to be.

Love Note to my Big Shooter: Darlin' I, for one, am lovin' this whole Rock Star phase. I hope it lasts until you're like 90. It's fuuuun being your groupy...

November 9, 2008

Evidence of a Homeschooled Child

Originally written last week.

Big Shooter and I are often heard making flippant remarks such as, "Man, I've called DHS and complained about us as parents a dozen times...when are they gonna come give us a break?"
But, in the back of my mind I am ever mindful of this very real possibility since a nosy neighbor (like myself), who doesn't know we homeschool may wonder why my Crumb Snatchers are outside playing while the rest of the neighborhood kids are in school and actually make that call. So I keep meticulous records of lessons, assignments, projects and test scores just in case...
Today though, I had to smile and wonder what a DHS worker would think of the conversation I overheard during recess:

Girl Child: "AAaarrrr... (loud, obnoxious, very unlady-like screaming) Get back! Get out, you meddling European!

Boy Child: "What?! I (said with chest puffed-out and fake aristocratic voice) am not a meddling European. I am only trying to colonize (I love how the Okie slipped back in.) I have been sent by His Royal Majesty on a mission to conquer this country. (pompous voice again)

Girl Child: "Well, THAT will not happen! For I am on a mission too and it is to write the Monroe Doctor!...or what ever it's called!"

Boy Child: "So?"

Girl Child: "So, you can't come in my country anymore."

Boy Child: After a long pause, "What was the Monroe Doctrine again? Was it a bloody battle, or a cool weapon, or...?"

Girl Child: Lowering her stick sword, "I think it was a piece of paper."

Boy Child: Thrusting his stick sword at anything and everything, "What??? And that kept the Europeans out? Really??? Wow. They must have been scardy cats!"

Girl Child: "I dunno. I think they were tired of fighting. Remember the War of 1812...and the one before it.

Boy Child: "The Revolutionary War. Ding-Ding-Ding! (uses sword to hit pumpkin like a gong) "But yeah, you're right they were probably really tired of fighting by then! Shrugs his shoulders, "...wanna play Westward Expansion on the tramp then?"

And with that they ran to the backyard.
Concerns about DHS? Not so much. Sooner or later we'd prove we were fit to have them back and our mini-vacation would be over. I am more concerned with whether or not they will ever really fit in...??? They do have Big Shooter's gene pool ya know.

Love Note to my Big Shooter: Have I said "Thank you for working your tail off so I can stay home and teach our spawn," lately? Cause if not. "Thank you from me and the Crumb Snatchers."

November 6, 2008

I am No Longer Speechless (or other alternative titles)

(alternative title) How to Clear a Room/Blog Quickly? ~ After recuperating from your shock, disbelief and deflation, you just start shootin' it the way you see it... without a muffler.

Election night I literally could not stomach typing one word of what we were feeling in the Shooter household. My dear friend Sheila said, "I am sorry you are saddened...". Saddened wouldn't even begin to cover the range of emotions experienced in the last 36 hrs. We feel like we've crammed all the stages of grief into one very long day. While my fellow Americans who voted for Obama experienced extreme elation, satisfaction and relief, my brothers and sisters who voted with me felt the polar opposite. All. The. Live. Long. Day. Three words: It sucked toads.

(alternative title) Katie Coueric was Justified ~ Does anyone remember the snarkiness, the degrading comments and the unbelievable rudeness Miss Congeniality had to say about us Redneck, Knuckle Dragging, Unenlightened, God-Fearing Bible Thumpers after the last two elections? I sure do. In fact, before the 2000 election I had been a huge Today Show fan. Watched it every morning like clock work and enjoyed every minute of it...until she lost her tongue and her real self came shining through. I haven't watched it one time since (even though she's gone.)

Wellll, I get it Katie. I really do. The anger, disappointment and disbelief that people could be such suckers for all the hype was 100% unfathomable to me this election. During school yesterday I burst into tears while we were studying states and capitols because I realized all the blue states on the east coast were all part of the privileged original 13. I kept asking myself, "How could people with such rich, first hand American history turn a blind eye to it? How could they not appreciate it and revere it? How could they be such traitors?" (Yes, sadly I said it. Traitors. Not my most proud American moment.) 36 hours has helped tremendously. I wonder if Katie wishes she had taken a long breather/grieving time before she got on the air? I'd like to think so.
Maybe I'll catch the Today Show in the morning...

(another offensive title) I was Duped ~ Seriously. Hook, line and sinker. I had no idea this election was about race. I mean I obviously knew the dude was black. But, I kid you not, until election night I did not realize just how racially motivated his voters were. I totally thought we were comparing experience, abortion beliefs, economics, foreign policy, health care, appointments to the highest court in the land, the sanctity of democracy. You know, all those little inconsequential issues.

Now, before you leave all kinds of nasty comments about how I must be a racist, let me make my thoughts clear here. My experience with anyone who has different colored skin than me has made it abundantly clear they do not want to be judged by the color of their skin. I agree. Absolutely. So I just naturally figured they most certainly would not vote for someone based solely on the color of his skin. But, no matter how it is getting sugar coated, that is exactly what happened with a very large percentage of his voters.
There seems to be two distinct groups who voted for Barry. One who believes in him whole-heartily and digs all his policies. And one who is racist. Yep. I said it. And sadly, they are the ones who are going to screw up the racial strides that have been made in this country. Just like the conservatives have their extremist right wing nut jobs who cause major problems and the extreme left wackos who give the Libs a bad name, now there is a new group.
Rolling your eyes Obama fans?
Here is the Shooter families experiences of the New Reign so far:

Election Day - I have to call Crumb Snatchers in from riding bikes and playing in the front yard because young black males walking home from school are yelling racial comments about the election while walking down our street. People we do not live in low income housing in a poverty stricken area. We live in an older neighborhood with a mix of the elderly, young families, professionals, college students, working class, and a few disabled. The ethnicity breaks down as 2/3 white, 1/3 Hispanic and black.

Election night - At 10:01 pm we hear LOTS of repeated gun shots on the next block and call 911. Big Shooter gets on the police live call website to see how it was reported and see if they are sending units immediately only to find out our call is only one of DOZENS around the city at exactly the same time. Through out the night this is what we find out: Many African-Americans and Hispanics are celebrating the election results by firing shots in the air at their watch parties. This begs the questions, "Why did they have guns at their watch parties?" and "What or where would they have shot if he hadn't won?"
Now this may sound harsh, Boldbut if you don't live in a mixed neighborhood, I truly don't care to hear your inexperienced opinion. Please do not belittle the real circumstances I now find my family in by rationalizing and making excuses. There are none. We are responsible gun owners. Operative word being responsible. We follow the city gun laws. We don't shoot them in city limits, in a neighborhood with houses closely spaced. These people are my neighbors. They drive the same streets my Crumb Snatchers ride their bikes on.

The Day After: 1) I received two phone calls from girlfriends whose children did not want to go to school yesterday. All three (are very strong minded, btw) kids expressed concerns about having to deal with bullying and gloating. One in each age group - elementary, middle school and high school. From the beginning, the high schooler felt she couldn't express opposing political opinions because she'd witnessed the intimidation and bullying that had taken place with others. Nice. Our children don't feel safe and secure in the place they spend a majority of their lives.
2) Big Shooter's boss pulled into a gas station to grab a drink before heading to a meeting. As he was walking in two black males who spied his McCain sticker smugly stated, "McCain? He lost. Now it's our time to rule." This is a man who employs 6,500 people. This is a man, who in the midst of economic turmoil, was on his way to tell all his District Managers what a great job they were doing, to keep up the good work, not to worry all their jobs are safe. This is also a very quiet man who would normally never share an experience like this with others. But, it got to him. In a big way.
And guess what? This did not take place in an undereducated, poverty stricken area either. It was upper-middle class America. If this is taking place here in EXTREMELY conservative Oklahoma you will never get me to believe it is not happening all around America. And I promise you this, if this kind of racism is not immediately addressed or worse, is swept under the rug or ignored...all the great strides this great country has made in the race department will be shattered.
Barry has the chance to prove he sat in a church for 20 years that spewed Black Power and it really didn't have an effect on his views of this kind of behavior or... his silence on this issue will speak volumes.

(next up) Not ALL the People Have Spoken - The notion that this election was a landslide is simply that - a notion. Was the electoral college a landslide victory? Absolutely. Was the popular vote a landslide victory? Not even close. What this election did once again was prove this country is divided. Sadly divided. On issue after issue. What I believe needs to happen with the left is gracious winning behavior. Common courtesy sportsmanship. Not this "In Your Face", "Ha. Take That!" attitude. If the party who spouts tolerance, love and kindness wants to convince the fifty-six million, two hundred and eighty-six thousand, three hundred and eighty-six fellow Americans they are genuine. Now would be the opportune time. Hello? 56, 286,386 Americans who don't trust the Democratic Party and will be looking over your shoulder every step of the way... It's not rocket science people. Reach out, don't slap your opportunity away.

(last offensive alternate) Left vs. Right - What's the difference?
Issues on Oklahoma ballot:
Veteran Tax Exemption
Property Tax Exemption
Wildlife Rights
Wine Sales

Issues on California ballot:
Treatment of Farm Animals
Minors' Abortions
Sewage Plant named after a sitting POTUS
Legalized Prostitution

Pretty clear to me...

(sigh...) I Have a New Mantra - Y'all I love, love this country. I would personally do combat duty to protect democracy. I respect the office of the United States Presidency. Therefore, even though I do not agree with, care for, or even (honestly) trust the President-Elect, he is just that: the President-Elect. I will take the high road (remember the Bush-Haters of the last two elections who refused to accept him as their president and caused chaos and apathy from the get-go) and honor the office he will hold. My mind keeps repeating the mantra, "...a government for the people, by the people...". And People, we are 56, 286,386 strong.

My heart, however, keeps repeating the mantra, "God is in control. God is in control."

God bless you my friends...and the greatest, most charitable nation on the planet.

Love Note to my Big Shooter: Go ahead big guy, let 'er rip, spill yer guts, release the will be a new day tomorrow.

November 4, 2008

Congratulations Democrats.

I so pray your change will heal our country's wounds.

Will you do me a favor?

Read the words.

God Bless America

Lyrics by Irving Berlin

God bless America,

Land that I love,

Stand beside her and guide her

Thru the night with a light from above;

From the mountains, to the prairies,

To the oceans white with foam,God bless America,

My home, sweet home.

God bless America,

My home, sweet home.
Today, we are nothing more than American brothers and sisters.
I am so very proud to be a part of this family.
God bless each and every one of you.
Now, go vote!
Love Note to my Big Shooter: Have I mentioned how much I love, love, LOVE it when you sing this song in the shower? My faves are Elvis and Stevie Nicks style...Oh Baby, I love those pipes when you think no one's listenin'!!

November 2, 2008

My husband IS a rock star

Oh yeah, he is.
Mmmm, mmmm.

Love Note to my Big Shooter: OH MY GAWD...I'll ask again, "How did I get so dang lucky?!"

November 1, 2008

Calvin, Rocker Chick & a Preview

None of the pics have great lighting...
but great fun was had by all!

In full Calvin mode.
All. the. time.

I'm thinkin' the bad light actually made her look more rocker ghoulish...

I personally loved the pink pirate kitty necklace.

I started noticing Boy Child's body language.
He seems to have begun leaning a smidgen away from her...
He's had enough.
Time to get on with the Candy Begging!
I know I promised pix of the Big Shooter today.
There's a little problem - Big Shooter doesn't like the pix.
I know. Wahhhh.
It's one of those rare times I will show some restraint...
I'll wait a couple days until he's back at work.
Just so you don't feel totally jipped though...

Love Note to my Big Shooter: Plllleease hurry back to work so I can share the pix. I've got to deliver on my promise Love. Besides that, I can't wait to show 'em how incredibly lucky I am to have a hot Rocker living with me!!