These new digs are courtesy of a good ole' gal over at
Splat Designs! May I take a moment to
recommend her if you are considering a new look for your own blog. She is completely and utterly
creative, extremely
easy to work with, figures out
exactly what fits your style, and very (I won't say cheap Lindsay)
very reasonable! Like, "you need to get over there and take advantage of her before she comes to her senses and charges you enough to buy herself a coke after she's slaved over every silly detail of your new blog for days" kinda reasonable. I am still getting used to being in my new digs so bear with me as I feel myself around.
Since I missed Wordless Wednesday I am going to do Thoughtless Thursday pics today instead. The problem is - they won't be thoughtless...
oh, you'll have thoughts alright...because


it REALLY is

a toilet seat...
Love Note to Big Shooter has moved to the left side of the site...
looks great!!
Love notes are on the left, though. Duuuuuh!
I meant that the blog looks good. #1 looks sooooo young! Wow, was that yesterday? Or a million years ago? What a cutie.
New Digs looks GREAT! It's YOU! I looked on the right and couldn't find the love notes....Andrea is smarter than me...she looked left! It's okay, I am getting old enough to only want to make "right turns!" UH Oh! I just heard an upstairs toilet flush so the misses is up and I better get to rattling those pots and pans..Breakfast Time! More later!!!!
I love it! So this means you are addicted to blogging, right? ;) YAY!
I checked out her site last night. She's so busy she's not taking any new orders for a while. There were so many people who commented that they wanted to order from her when she got back that I'm sure she'll have business till the end of the year. That's so fantastic for her!!!!! She found a way to make some $$$ by filling a need. What a Godly concept.
The blog looks wonderful, by the way, but I'm curious about the picture at the top left. Is that supposed to be you??? HMMMMM????
The site looks great!
I have so many fun photos of my kids with panties on their heads... and other icks... the things they find to entertain themselves.
Your blog looks amazing!!!! I'm still stuck in winter. Must spring it up.
xo ~ K
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