December 26, 2007
December 24, 2007
We are having a Charlie Brown Christmas
The Crumb Snatchers are really into Charlie Brown and Peanuts these days. When they saw A Charlie Brown Christmas...the world as we know it stopped to pay absolute homage for those blessed few minutes! They love reciting Linus' true meaning of Christmas speech and they love the Charlie Brown tree. Since we are so far behind the real calendar we thought it might be a good idea if we let them decorate a CB tree of their own so we did not have to drag out all the Christmas paraphernalia. Well, it was not a good was an outstanding, fantastic, "who was the brilliant person who thought up that?!" kind of idea! Watching them contemplate, heavily weigh, discuss, and analyze the selection of the actual tree and adornments then commence the decoration was like watching Benedict perform High Mass at the was that holy, serious and unforgettable. We may do this every year from now on. Forgive my pictures please. An elf who lives in Connecticut said I am receiving a super new camera in a couple days time...Woo Hoo! There will be no telling what will show up on this blog after that!
I so wish I was an award winning photographer. This tree truly looks, tilts, and sags just like the real Chuck Tree.
This star picture is actually pretty, but trust me, it is as tacky as they come. How do you like those cheap little red bows and sequin garland? Yep. I said sequin.
#1 had to have this one footed nutcracker "Cause I was one, want to be a real one...". That my friends is another story altogether. I'll post it sometime soon. A little teaser would be this statement. Our son, who has been Superman for the past four years on Halloween decided to change his costume this year. It just happened to be the day after the Big Shooter and I were having the "are you sure he will have enough testosterone to get him successfully through puberty" question/discussion because of the whole testicle amputation thing at his birth. #1 chose that particular moment to adamantly inform me he was going to be the Nutcracker Prince for Halloween... I thought his dad was going to pass out on the spot. But the pictures I have for scrapbooking are adorable.
Someone familiar with Peanuts please answer this dilemma once and for all in our household please. On CS is completely convinced this decorated ornament is exactly like one on Chuck's tree. If any one has the answer/verification to this very pressing question, peace may reign again in our home. Thank you from the Head Supervisor of Homeland Security.
Merry Christmas!
Found this under the tree...
December 23, 2007
Santa Claus is coming to town...

Yes, he is wearing pajama will have to excuse him. It really is my fault...kinda, sorta...well, kinda really.
December 22, 2007
December 21, 2007
How much wood can a woodchuck wood?

I am so relieved how fabulously those beautiful crepe myrtles stood back up!

December 20, 2007
On Set of Ice Storm Alzheimer's

What began on the 9th as a "Great Adventure" became the "Great Dilemma" by the 12th and finally, Oklahoma's 11 "National Disaster" this year.

December 7, 2007
"Give me back my puke!"

December 6, 2007
Big Shooter isn't half the man he was...
Mine was yesterday.
Here's why...

A year later...
Have we told you lately Big Shooter how proud we are of you?
How you make me all tingly?
How grateful we are you cared enough to ensure you'd be around a few extra years for us?
How you make my insides tingle with glee?
How much we love you?
How tingly I'm feeling just gazing at your photo?
You are our rock.
You know why I call you BIG Shooter, right?
Post Script:
Crumb Snatcher #2 thinks she knows why. "It's because he's sooo good at Lazer Quest, right Momma?" "Hmmm....well...kinda does have something to do with a Quest... a conquest." "A what?" "...umm, did I say that? Never mind honey. Run along and play."
Yikes, that was ackward.
December 5, 2007
Changing of the Guard:Man Crosses the Chain
In light of yesterday's post, I thought a video would be interesting. After watching the solemn changing of the guard the crumb snatchers either wanted to be in the Army or go to D.C. to visit the tomb in person. That was before watching this video. They are convinced the guy was going to get shot on the spot. Course, I was too... They mean business. My Granny Grunt would call it a "good dressin' down".
December 3, 2007
Home + School = Homeschool?

I would now like to take the opportunity and publicly thank ABC, YouTube, and Hoover for contributing to our children's Home Education. Ain't they winners?
December 2, 2007
The Brain-Dead Pug a.k.a. BDP

...and we were thinking, "ooooh, how cute he's smiling."
Little did we know the harsh reality was just around the bend.Our beloved family member, Olliver the Brain Dead Pug
December 1, 2007
The Biggest Sinner of All
Since I've dedicated this blog to the art of Straight Shootin' I have a little fessing up to do.
My first ever Public Fess: After I hear a certain story and I realize I myself have a similar story that I can share with some basic story-telling-drama/embellishment and it will be a better one, well that just tickles my insides. (I suspect it has to do with that whole only child, spent a wholelotta time by myself, being-my-own-best-friend, the center of my own attention, therefore, the world revolves around me thing.) Isn't that just kinda strange? Wacked? A tad on the ego-centric side? Who in their right mind gets a thrill out of something childish?
The following is an example of my sin. All because my friend told me a sweet story about her loving grandaddy.

Grrrr....rrrr?" OOoooopps...
Pardon me, could you please wipe those off and hand 'em back to me?
So sorry... I didn't intend for that splash of old man saliva to land right there..."
"Why yes, I am related to Popeye... is he a sinner too?"