November 25, 2008

We're heeeere

Oh the joy, the excitement, the memories...
We are in the midst of a wi-fi crisis at the rental house.
Which is fine with Girl Child because she came with me to Starbucks to check email and leave this little ditty to assure some certain friends we have not indeed flown the coop never to return!

In the interim of wi-fi fixage, I'd like to hear what you are most thankful for in 2008.

As for the Shooter household we are thankful for:
  • Big Shooter being here. As in here on this earth.
  • Bravery, tenacity, strong spirits.
  • Precious Crumbs.
  • Friends.
  • Family.
  • Rockin' partner.
  • Laughter.
Not particularly in that order. Except the first. The first, is what my life is all about.
What is your life all about in 2008?
Love, Straight Shooter


ShEiLa said...

I am thankful for YOU.
Reading your posts... always a bright spot in my day.

ShEiLa said...

all my [thankful for's] are in the right sidebar of my blog.

Flea said...

I'm thankful for cornbread dressing and homemade pumpkin pie, not necessarily in that order. :)

Goob said...

2008 has been such a special year. it seems there's been plenty of negativity swirling around outside of our own little bubble, but it hasn't touched us and we feel so grateful for the love Heavenly Father has shown us this year.

FerLee said...

I am thankful for God's faithfulness. This year has been quite a trip...and God has been right beside us the whole way. I have peace even when the whole world says I should be worried. I have no fear because I know His Word works.

Oh, that's number one!!!

My matter how messed up we are at times we love each other and always go back to that love.

My job...because God has used it to bless us in many ways.

The small breaks I get from time to time...for they are what helps me keep my sanity in an insane world.

My church...without them I wouldn't be anywhere near what I am today.

And then there's friends...They keep me on my toes and on the up and up.

Beth said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours! =)

Anonymous said...

Wanted to call you yesterday and tell you "thanks" for your precious friendship but as you are wi-fi challenged I was also cell tower challenged at the 'haunted mansion"... Love, Soul Sis