September 3, 2010

199 Bottles of Beer or just 199 Days Ago...

Apparently if it's been 199 days since someone last blogged, they lose their ability to come up with titles.  Or topics.  Or even scant ideas of what to blog about.
I hope this phenomenon does not last that I actually miss blogging and have a wee bit of time in my life to actually participate in it again.
Of course I haven't lost my ultra-sharp tongue, a.k.a. opinions, when it comes to politics, nor has my love of country and appreciation of our service men and women wanned.  And I have plenty o'stories about The Sweet Spawn, Sledge, the Brain Dead Pug and our newest member Scooter Booter, but I just can't quite decide where to start.   Should the first post back inform you that Big Shooter is a Ranch Hand?  Both of the Sweet Spawn are taller than me and spent a MONTH in Idaho this summer?  Or that I had to straddle a gear shift positioned precariously close to my woohaw for 188 miles with a tow truck driver named Stinky Clifford shifting often?
I can't decide, so for tonight I think I'll just say, "I've missed you BloggyLand!  I'm looking forward to reconnecting with you!"


Unknown said...

WOOHOO! I thought your account had been hacked when you showed up on my blog reader this morning. Looking forward to seeing you again!!! Start anywhere....just start!

ShEiLa said...

I was just going through every blog I follow... and thought. I wish Straight Shooter would come back to blogland... I miss her so much.

Hallejullah! I got my wish!!!


Andrea@Sgt and Mrs Hub said...

You're back!! I'm glad... You've been missed!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad your back! When I saw your comment, the first thing I thought was "Wow! I'm glad she's alive." :-) Seriously, I hope you're doing well.

Look forward to reading your blog again. Thanks for the visit to The Domestic Fringe.


Jill of All Trades said...

Oh...I was so shocked to see in my reader that you were back. So glad to see you here. Welcome back to the blogosphere!

Flea said...

So? Where y'at?

I get it, I do. I was off the blogging thing way too long. Once I came back, it's taken awhile to get my feet under me again.

So. Wanna do coffee some fair day?

Anonymous said...

Your posts and blog site is awesome! When are you going to post something new?

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